The Balance Equation: The “Core” To Training

By Joburg Post

“Balance is a state of bodily equilibrium, or the ability to maintain the center of body mass over the base of support without falling (irrgang et. Al. 1994)”

“Balance can also be defined in three ways: the ability to maintain a position, the ability to voluntarily move, and the ability to react to perturbation (Berg 1989)”

Balance –   the foundation upon which ALL movement is based

  • the ability to stabilize and maintain a desired body position

The importance of training balance gets neglected in many training sessions. It is challenging and requires patience and is best done under supervision where corrections can be made as far as body alignment, foot placement and posture is concerned. Balance equals body control. Any system that is overwhelmed with imbalance or that is prone to distortion, is subject to failure. With balance training you link the mind and the muscles and train the weak links.

Who needs balance training?

Balance is highly trainable to all populations. It can be developed and improved.

  • Kids – age 12 maturity of neural system – improve coordination and agility and in tune with their bodies – confidence, self-esteem – ability and control

  • The Elderly – disability pain and lack of function

  • The Everyday person – balance and mobility – self efficacy and feeling of wellbeing

  • The Athlete – mobile, agile and functional

When we look at balance in Sport, we can look at –

  1. Static balance – stabilization to maintain center of mass within base of support

  2. Dynamic balance – Manipulating center of mass outside the base of support for optimal sport mechanics

  3. Goal – production of smart body that links the mind and muscles – muscles become more compliant and reactive to the commands of the mind

The impact of balance training in the Youth –

It basically teaches the child fitness in real life with a high injury focus. Much excitement gets created with new abilities and definitely lays the foundation for sport-specific preparation. The child gets into contact with the first teaching of the mind/body connection (neuromuscular and proprioceptive training) The child also establishes exercise adherence for life. The focus gets placed on teaching movement skills and athleticism.


Looking at the impact of balance training on sports performance it becomes clear that the athlete is only as successful as the base on which he stands :

  • Dynamic joint reactivity – injury prevention and performance improvement

  • Transitional balance – illusion of quickness

  • Produce more skillful movement – fluidity

  • Strength & Power – explosive power

When we look at the Core of Balance then firstly look at building from the center of the body to the periphery. A good core A good core equals a good sequence of muscle firing patterns that engages stabilizers first before firing prime movers to do functional movement.

Balance in the core leads to standing stability and stability through rotary transverse plane.

Core initiates movement, stabilization and deceleration.

When we look at balance in the field of gravity :

Is is subject to the laws of physics. The support is from gravity as there is no downward pull. The preparation and maintenance of the physical body is a way of dealing with gravity. Looking at the equilibrium sense, then its clear that balance provides feedback about the positions and movements of our heads and bodies in space. On the other hand, kinesthetic sense tells us about the orientation of different parts of our bodies in relation to each other.

Having a look at Dynamic Balance, then the following few points can be looked at :

  • Is keeping the body under control while moving

  • Control the body’s center of gravity – the point around which the body balances most perfectly

  • Cycling, gymnastics, fencing etc. depend almost exclusively on an athlete’s control of the center of gravity and the ability to balance during the sports activity

  • You are as good as the motion you can control

An important factor that falls under Balance is Stability.

  • Stability is the ability to resist movement amidst movement

  • Stability is the primary function of the torso muscles – to be addressed early in training

  • Stability is actually the harmony between the muscles and joints

  • Stability is maintained by equalizing muscular contraction and relaxation

  • Stability is sensed as calmness in the muscles, combined with readiness for action

  • Loss of balance and support – embedded in the weakness of losing stability

So where does the ultimate in Balance - Dynamic Stability – fit in? It is -

The powerful peaceful perfect balance of opposites

All Balance begins with Stability!

The foundation for Balance & Motor control


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