Chat Gpt

ChatGPT-powered Wall Street: The benefits and perils of using artificial intelligence to trade stocks and other financial instruments

Artificial Intelligence-powered tools, such as ChatGPT, have the potential to revolutionize the efficiency, effectiveness, and speed of the work humans do. And this is true in financial markets as much as in sectors like health care, man...

Pawan Jain Assistant Professor of Finance, West Virginia University·11 months ago

Gliding, not searching: Here’s how to reset your view of ChatGPT to steer it to better results

ChatGPT has exploded in popularity, and people are using it to write articles and essays, generate marketing copy and computer code, or simply as a learning or research tool. However, most people don’t understand how it works or what it ...

James Intriligator Professor of the Practice, Tufts University·9 months ago

South African university students use AI to help them understand – not to avoid work

Through their use of AI tools, students can tailor content to address their specific strengths and weaknesses, to have a more engaged learning experience. AI tools can also be a sort of personalised online “tutor” with whom they have “co...

Professor Tanja Bosch, University of Cape Town & Chikezie E. Uzuegbunam, Rhodes University·5 months ago