Racism Still Exists

By Rachel Wray Makutu - Social Activist

We celebrating 28 years of democracy in South Africa but still face a lot of discrimination as black people. The expectation was high on equality after we have been tormented and traumatised all those years during the apartheid error. However, we still on a never-ending battle as fellow South Africans against one another.  Racism still highly exists everywhere in our country. We do not find a lot of white activists fighting against it and in fact even when they witness it most of them would rather turn a blind eye to it. 

Take a look at Orania Town, Orania is a white Afrikaner-only town in the Northern Cape Province. Preserving a particular race and they hide behind the preservation of culture. That is segregation amongst the skin colour and children are taught that from a very young age, which would make it difficult to adjust to and accept other races amongst them when they grow up.
Children do not just grow up to become cruel or hate, they are taught this from young, adults who are racist we're taught to hate and look down on others because of their skin colour. 
Why has your own “homeland” consisted of only one race in a diverse country like South Africa? The enforcement of being recognised as “Afrikaner” rather than an individual is alarming. We should be able to mix well within our communities despite our rainbow nation.

The recent incident at Stellenbosch University is just another example of how condemning the issue of racism is. Children are taught hate and discrimination from a young, they are taught that their skin colour is superior to any non-white person. That is the reason why they unapologetically express their hatred towards a black person and show little or no remorse afterwards. What we don’t realise is that the rest of the world sees us all as the same, and to them, we are all a representative of our African diversity. There is no culture or race better than the other in South Africa and that’s where we need to start the teachings. We certainly have a long way before we can finally say that racism is a thing of the past but we can work on putting it past us, it is not impossible. 

We should be coming together to work as a team. We need to stop feeding into segregation and racism by watering it and allowing to be treated differently because of how we look, we need to stand up for each other.  We need to be taught love and equality from a young, no ethnic group, race, gender or culture is more important than the rest. Children need to be taught how to love and importantly, receive love.
History can be cruel or kind to people, and in this case, we need to change our mindset and change the way we treat each other. We can not erase the whole history/past of racism that was instilled in the minds of many because it took generation after generation of teaching this on a daily by their own parents and the society. A positive and effective way, however, would be if white people, especially parents, could break the cycle by changing the mindset of the current and next generations, unless that happens then we still have a long way to go.

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