Getting Up The Wall

By Joburg Post

of us spend much time sitting – in the office, in the traffic, in front of the TV
– and in this process we get tighter and weaker hips.  In a previous blogs we have looked at some
ways and means to assist our bodies in overcoming this harmful habit.

we look at the body’s flexed position, it is not merely the hips or hip flexors
that are at risk, but many other surrounding muscles are influenced.

-        The iliopsoas group – here you find the
iliacus and psoas major muscles

-        The gluteal complex has the glutes
maximus, medius, minimus and then also the tfl

-        The adductor group consists of brevis,
longus, magnus as well as pectineus and gracilis

-        The lateral rotator group consists of
the obturators (ext. And int.) And the piriformis the quadraus femoris as well
as the gemelli (superior & inferior)

is always interesting to see what a large population prefer to rather run to
the physiotherapist than taking care of all these muscles that are involved in
the “sitting” action.  We have looked at
movements before to do during your long office sitting hours – on the hour to
break the harmfulness of the position.  I
will now add only a few extra “easy to do up the wall” stretches to assist in
this tough mission. It might just mean putting an end to your “low back pain” or
“digestive problems” or “sciatica”.

Stretch number 1

the wall, as close as you can with your hips to the wall, straighten your legs
and relax. An amazing position not just to lengthen the hamstrings but also to
enhance the body’s circulation.  Hold for
60 sec or more. Try to breathe deeply with every in and exhalation to enhance
overall wellness. 

number 2

the wall, as close as you can with your hips to the wall, open your legs as
wide as you can to lengthen the adductor group of muscles. Hold for 60 sec or
longer.  Deep breathing patterns will
assist in overall wellness.

number 3

the wall, as close as you can with the hips to the wall, and take feet up the
wall together, with bent knees, wide open. This stretch opens up the hip
rotators like the piriformis and tfl, as well as the adductors. Hold for 60 sec
or longer while maintaining deep breathing patterns for assisting in wellness.

number 4

facing away from the wall, place the back foot against the wall, with the front
knee placed safe behind the ball of the foot. 
Extend the back leg’s arm far to the back until you feel the hip flexor
group of muscles as well as the quadriceps, stretch. Hold the stretch for at
least 30 sec long before you repeat on the other leg.  Throughout this stretch, engage the core
while breathing deep breaths.

number 5

the wall, as close as you can with your hips to the wall, straighten your one
leg with the other in a bent position, placed just above the knee of the
straight leg and relax. Try to create a 90° angle with the bent knee. Place your
hand on your bent thigh and gently press it to open more.  Hold for 30 seconds and then switch sides.
Maintain regular deep breathing patterns.

stretch lengthens and releases the gluteal muscles, the lateral rotators,
gluteus maximus and minimus and the piriformis.

number 6

the wall while lean forward with hands upwards on wall, keeping the body at an
angle.  Try and extend the arms straight
up, with heels extending down into floor, to enable a good stretch in the
posterior part of body.  From the calves
into the shoulders and upper back, this stretch lengthens the muscles that are
cramped into the sitting forward flexed position.

number 7

“snowman” – to be done by all human beings – especially those sitting or
walking with forward posture already. 

With heels against the wall, stand tall while maintaining the two natural curvatures of the spine – lumbar and cervical.  Throughout the movement avoid making these curvatures more prominent.  Start with arms next to the body – palms facing forward.  While exhaling, start moving the straight arms all the way to the top of the body.  Keep repeating this movement daily till the shoulders stay stable and the arms and wrists, solid straight against the wall to the top and back to the starting position.

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