Small Talk With Librarian And Information Science Specialist, Washington Kaseke

By Joburg Post

How information is converted into knowledge as knowledge is power.

Washington Kaseke was born in Zimbabwe. Growing up, he wanted to be an engineer but instead fell in love with information technology. Having grown up in a time where things weren’t too bad in Zimbabwe, what was fortunate was that his parents were able to provide him a solid education. He is currently pursuing his masters in library and information science with the University of Pretoria, because he believes one can never have enough knowledge.

Why is it important for young people to get information?

They say knowledge is power, and if you look at it, there is a close link between knowledge and information. Therefore in order for one to gain knowledge they will need access to information. I believe there is nothing you can accomplish in this world without knowledge, be it in business, studies and so forth.

As a libarian dealing with a large number of students, what have you identified about the youth's work ethic and ability to be future leaders?

Well I can not generalise this, however, there are two different trends,the one is that students who do not have good financial standing in their homes are more likely to be dedicated and see the need to better their future and be the best at what they do. The second group, are the ones who don't feel the need to even try being the best, because they have all that they need from their home therefore college bevomes a place to have fun, rather thab a place where they can acquire knowledge and improve what they already have.

What does lack of information mean in society?

Lack of knowledge and information creates a gullible and uninformed society. Which meams, a disruptive and unruly society.

As an information science specialist, what impact do you want to leave behind?

I want to be of positive impact, where I share what I’ve learnt and acquired with the younger generation, and showing them that whatever they do is not for them but for the growth of society.

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